Dear Applicant: We are thrilled to announce that our Spain Visa Application Center in Tehran, Iran, will relocated to new address, effective December 1, 2024.
#New Address
Shiraz Building 1st Floor, No 137, Cross 21st Street, Khaled Islamboli, Tehran, Postcode: 1513933134.
Applicants are allowed to submit the applications as a walk-in between 08:30 to 14:00(Sunday to Thursday) (except public holidays & Embassy closure dates)
* Following the new instruction on the requirements for the applicants who are property owners in Cyprus, we are kindly informing you that from now on, all the applicants who own a property in Cyprus and hold a ‘Contract of Sale’ are required to submit the receipts of their payments. The number of receipts should be consistent with the years since the initial date registered in the contract. Needless to mention that the applicants who have final ‘Title Deed’ do not need to provide the payment receipts.